• We highly suggest you head over to the “how it works” page.

  • There are many advantages of using Slack as your learning platform with OYA. They include:

    Integration with Daily Workflows: Learning within Slack seamlessly integrates with daily work, making skill acquisition a natural extension of day-to-day activities and communication.

    Accessibility and Convenience: Slack provides an accessible and convenient platform where users can engage in learning without leaving their primary communication tool, thus reducing friction and fostering more consistent engagement.

    Microlearning Opportunities: Leveraging Slack allows for the implementation of microlearning – delivering bite-sized, focused segments of content right where users are already interacting, making learning easily digestible.

    Automation and Customization: Through OYA’s automated workflows, Slack can deliver personalized learning experiences, track progress, and offer targeted resources based on individual needs and preferences.

    Informal Learning Environment: Slack's casual, chat-based environment fosters an informal learning space where users may feel more comfortable and engaged, and where learning can be more organic.

    Instant Communication: Immediate communication through Slack facilitates continuous, on-the-spot learning and problem-solving, minimizing disruption in the learning process.

    Engagement through Gamification: The platform allows for gamification elements like polls, quizzes, and challenges to be introduced within the learning environment, enhancing engagement and retention.

    Given the ubiquity of Slack in tech environments, leveraging it for soft skills development aligns learning with the daily habits of technical professionals, thereby creating a fluid, integrated, and user-friendly learning journey.

  • No, we have a small learning library available in our web portal.

    Note: the web-based portal’s content is static and not interactive. It is good for revision or when you are first contemplating a move to a manager role.

  • There are both a free and premium plans available via the slack app.

    The Slack app’s initial experience is the same for both the free and premium members. However, premium subscriptions will go into more content and offer additional features, allowing you to develop your skills faster.

    For more details, check out our pricing page.

  • If you have further issues, or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us via this link.

    We would love to hear from you.

  • If you have specific questions regarding our Slack App, head over to our dedicated Slack App support FAQ.