OYA is a chat based learning system

OYA operates a micro-learning system to provide daily, gamified micro-lessons that improve skills and behaviour over time.


Research has shown that learning new soft skills is best achieved through short, regular lessons as opposed to one long intensive class.

OYA uses a technique known as micro-learning.

Micro-learning is a holistic approach for skill-based learning which involves frequent small learning units. Each lesson can normally be achieved within 2-5 minutes.

Micro-learning is well suited to the modern tech professional’s busy lifestyle.

What is a lesson like?

2-5 minutes

2-5 minutes is all that is needed each day. That means it could be done during your morning coffee or even while sitting on the toilet.



Each lesson is interactive meaning one person’s experience will be different from another person. There are also frequent quizzes.

Relevant to todays work

Lessons are designed to suit the modern company and be relevant to everyday activities.

External activities

OYA is action-oriented and often sets small tasks or assignments for people to do. It might be thinking about a topic or talking to someone, these activities put lessons into practice and start positive change happening.


Every day OYA chatbot sends each person a message. That is the start of the lesson. People can either do it straight away or do it later. Micro-learning means a small lesson every day.

Bonus material available

Sometimes a lesson creates additional interest in a topic that can not be covered in 2-5minutes. Therefore we have ‘bonus’ content where people can spend extra time learning more about a given topic.

Why OYA lessons work


OYA allows people to chart their own path through each lesson.


Lessons are gamified to ensure people remain engaged as well as create a social aspect to learning.


OYA makes learning a social activity. Learning with friends and colleagues helps knowledge retention and creates an impact focused culture.

Data Driven

Data drives OYA and each lesson is continuously reviewed based on interactions. Administrators can see who is spending more time on different lessons, who has completed what tasks.

Tech industry focused

OYA is designed for the modern tech company using modern management techniques.

For these companies, recruitment and retention of top talent is integral to their success. OYA is designed to help these companies not only attract the most talented individuals, but also make sure they perform and stay.