Make yourself flexible to meet the demands of tomorrow

The OYA mission is to solve the defined, measurable soft skill gap between what companies need, and what is available.

Our mission is to help people and companies come together and work together better. Soft skills are the bedrock of many things in the workplace.

The challenge that companies face is tough:

A survey found that 58% of managers said they never received any manager training!

For almost all soft skills, there is a defined, measurable gap between what organizations need and employee proficiency (LinkedIn & CapGemini study)

Our users and clients understand the value of soft skills

Our users and clients understand that there are real benefits to developing soft skills. Soft skills are not just “nice to have”, they are a “must have”. Developing these skills takes time, so we need to work together to develop and hone these skills, in the way that high performance teams do.

Introduction to management

Advanced management training

Managing the managers

Wielding influence

Coaching and growing others

We focus on talented tech professionals

Soft skills account for 90% of what makes people able to demonstrate success in their roles and grow in their careers, so it’s critical to build soft skills training into any organization so that teams will remain competitive and empower their organizations to remain competitive, and even thrive, in a challenging market.

Without good soft skills, you may be a technical rock star, but you will be hopeless at getting that message out there.

The OYA leadership is made up from real world management

Our leadership team comes from a background of practice experience, building companies, departments, functions and teams.

We combine this experience with the latest thinking from industry, academic studies and financial results.

Barcelona-based, with a global reach

Our headquarters are based in Barcelona, Spain. We are a modern company with remote team members based anywhere they want.

OYA as a word has a diverse origin and a unified message

OYA has a diverse origin and unified message. It is about understanding that for a person to reach their full potential, we must develop them holistically, and as a member of a community. That means that there are important skills they need that are not technical skills. That is because people do not work alone in a bubble. They work with people, for people, and maybe even manage people. Their success is the company success, and the companies success is their success.

OYA as a word draws from multiple cultures. In Japanese, OYA means parent. As a parent, you encourage not just academic success, but also how to be a productive member of your community.

In certain Southern African cultures, OYA is a tribal term meaning “It takes a village to make a man”.

As a company, OYA’s goal is to help people learn the essential knowledge and skills not only to reach their full potential, but also create and participate in a high performance team.